Management Systems

9 Feb 2009

Can I exclude Co-Curriculum CGPA marks accumulated from Transition level?

System is enhanced to provide option for user to include or exclude co-curriculum CGPA marks accumulation for Transation level (ie Tingkatan Peralihan). If the CGPA marks accumulation is selected as “Yes”, meaning CGPA marks accumulation should only count from Form One till Form Six. On the other hand, if the CGPA marks accumulation is selected as “No”, meaning CGPA marks accumulation should count for the students’ whole schooling years attended including transition level. To do it, please click on the link General Setting – Field No. 17 for details.

For schools that intend to continuously include CGPA marks accumulation starting from Transition level, then the CGPA marks accumulated for each level shall remain unchanged. The CGPA marks will not be affected also for those schools that did not offer transition level but now set to exclude co-curriculum CGPA marks accumulation.

However, for those schools that had already included CGPA marks accumulated starting from Transition level but now intend to adjust CGPA marks accumulated from Form One onwards, assessment grading needs to be re-run starting from the first year of Co-curriculum Assessment Module implementation till the last academic year. This is to ensure that the CGPA marks accumulated for each level is correctly computed. Please also take note that if there is adjustment on accumulated GPA and CGPA marks previously shall be overwritten again after re-run assessment grading.

For better illustration, pls refer to the following examples:

Case 1:
Select “Exclude Tingkatan Peralihan From CGPA Computation” = NO.

Student name: Student A, after running assessment grading for each academic year with result:

2008(Peralihan A2)   : 56.50(GPA)    56.50(CGPA)
2009(Tingkatan 1A) :  64.50(GPA)    60.50(CGPA)
CGPA for year 2009 is: 56.50(2008) + 64.50(2009)/2 = 60.50

Case 2:
Select “Exclude Tingkatan Peralihan From CGPA Computation” = Yes

Student name: Student B, after re-running assessment grading for each academic year with result:

2008(Peralihan A2)   :  74.50(GPA)        0.00(CGPA)
2009(Tingkatan 1A)  : 68.50(GPA)       68.50(CGPA)
CGPA: 68.50/1 = 68.50

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  • 4 Dec 2008

    How to incorporate Co-Curriculum Assessment Marks (GPA) as a Subject in e-Report Card?

    In some schools’ exam system, co-curriculum marks are given to students so that they do not ignore this very important part of their studies.  With the Co-curriculum marks (GPA) calculated under Co-Curriculum Assessment Module which is based on student’s attendance, participation and achievements in their activities involved is to be updated as marks for the Co-curriculum subject in e-Report Card. User may give the weightage to this subject and these marks will be calculated as a subject together with all the academic subjects to derive the student’s average marks.

    Followings are the illustrated example on how to to incorporate Co-Curriculum Assessment marks (GPA) as a Subject in e-Report Card.

    Step 1: Subject offered at Curriculum Mgmt

    This is to ensure the Kokurrikulum Subject is to be select as the subjects to be offered and specify the settings for the subjects or paper. To select the subjects offered, go to Curriculum Mgmt ~> Subjects Offered ~> Create & Update. Tick the checkboxes of the “Offer” field to indicate that the subject is offered for that level. Click on the “Process” button to save the record.

    Step 2: Assigned subject “Kokurikulum” into daily class timetable.

    User can choose 2 options available to insert “Kokurikulum” subject slot into existing timetable.

    Option 1: Creating Timetable by Staff

    Option 2: Creating Timetable by Class

    Upon confirmation of timetable, SMS user can proceed with Subject Enrolment so that students’ Kokorikulum marks can be input via E-Report Card module or intergrated with Co – cu Assessment module.

    Step 3: Setting up the Exam Subject Setting for Normal Or Final Exam.

    Upon enrolled the Subject for “Kokurikulum”, user required to define the subject exam setting for normal/final exam, go to Parameter Setup ~> Subject Exam Setting ~> Normal Exam.

    Step 4: Setting up general setting co-curriculum subject

    On E-Report Card – Co-Curriculum Marks Integration (General setting) user may select co-curriculum subject for every level offer to retrieve student GPA as subject/paper mark. To do this setting, go to Co-curriculum Assessment Module, click on menu bar General Parameter->General setting  

    Step 5: Run Assessment Grading

    After user already completed input the co-curriculum mark, user may run  assessment grading for generate student’s mark GPA/CGPA and grade. To run this process, go to Co-curriculum Assessment Module Assessment~>Assessment Grading

    Step 6: Fulfilment GPA mark as Academic Performance

    After performe assessment grading students GPA will be calculated. User may fulfil GPA mark as academic performance. To run this process, go to Co-curriculum Assessment Module Assessment Assessment~>Exam Co-Curriculum Mark Update 

    Step 7:  Verify student’s GPA mark on report card.

    To verify student GPA mark on  E-Report Card module, User may verify the GPA mark on Exam Mgmt~>Input Marks~>By Subject & Class or Exam Mgmt~>Input Marks~>By Student . The GPA mark will inputted on student’s subject/paper.

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  • Filed under: Co-curriculum, e-Report Card, FAQ

  • 11 May 2007

    How can I migrate cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) if my school is the first time user of the Co-Curriculum Assessment Module?

    If the school is the 1st time using of the SMS Co – cu Assessment module and also have manually calculate CGPA earned by student for last year, the school is required to click on menu bar link Assessment ~ > Mark/Grade Adjustment, then input the marks or Grade, GPA & CGPA for the last previous year record.

    If there is not CGPA recorded for student, the user may just skip this conversation process.

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