Management Systems

Back to School 2025 Term

We are introducing guide you the steps in preparing for a new school year Back to School, we will show you step-by-step process in getting the necessary things prepared, before you can start with the normal day-to-day operations in school.

The following is the introduction of the Back To School Series – The Introduction Slide.

Please continue with part 1 of our Series – Data HouseKeeping – Student

As new academic year starts, SMS users start to print testimonial, leaving certificate; prepare new student data; migrate old student data; and so on. While doing these, many SMS users are uncertain on what things need to do first; which steps need to perform so that it will not affect the overall school operation; what options avaiable while performing school start of the year activities eg student enrolment, student fee, new classes, new form teacher & so on.

In order to answer all these questions commonly asked by SMS users, we have compiled a flow chart to guide SMS users on the step-by-step on “How To Get Started for the New Academic Year“. This flow chart shows a list of sequential activities that school needs to know and perform.

Besides, SMS user is advised to download the Checklist – Getting Started for New Academic Year for monitoring the activities that have done or have not yet done.
Followings are some of the commonly asked questions from our SMS users:

1. What does School need to do before closing for the year?

2. What does School need to do for the New Academic Year?

2.1 New academic Year, school calendar, level, class, and subject setup

2.2 Student Rollover

2.3 New Staff Intake

2.4 New Student Intake

2.5 Timetable

2.6 Subject Enrolment

2.7 Student Activity Rollover

2.8 What other things need to do to complete the new academic year set up?