Management Systems

9 Jan 2007

When can I start to enrol the subject? What do I need to do?

Subjects can only be enrolled after timetable (s) for new academic year has (have) been created. There are three options to enrol the subject.

Option 1 – Subject Enrolment by Subject

Student enrolment by subject allows same level students to enrol a subject at a time. To enrol students by subject, please go to Timetable Mgmt ~> Student-Subject Enrolment ~> By Subject.

Option 2 – Subject Enrolment by Student

Student enrolment by student allows a student to enrol many subjects at a time. To enrol student for subjects, please go to Timetable Mgmt ~> Student-Subject Enrolment ~> By Student.

Option 3 -Subject Enrolment by Class

Student enrolment by class allows same level classes to enrol for many subjects at a time. To perform subject enrolment by class, please go to Timetable Mgmt ~> Student-Subject Enrolment ~> By Class.

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