Management Systems

10 Feb 2009

I’d entered student leaving date / transfer date wrongly, what should I do?

When you’d entered the student leaving date /transfer date eg on 23/01/2009 which suppose to be on 05/01/2009, please follow the steps as guided below for the correction:

Step 1 – Re-instate the students who had left  / transfer
To re-activate the student who had left / transfer, please click on the link Student Mgmt ~> Personal Record ~> Reinstate for detail.

Step 2- Edit student profile with transaction date updated as the actual leaving / transfer date.
To do it, please go to Student Mgmt –> Personal record –> edit and update the transaction date to the actual leaving / transfer date for the affected students eg 05/01/2009 .

Step 3 – Transfer Student / Post School Leaving
To transfer a student, please go to Student Mgmt –> Transfer School –> Create and ensure that the transfer date is assigned as actual transfer date eg 05/01/2009. On the other hand, if you are using student leaving function, please go to Student Mgmt ~> Leaving School ~> Create and ensure that the leaving date is assigned as actua leaving date eg 05/01/2009. School Admin / Principal is required to verify the leaving /  transfer records thereafter.

Pls take note that there will be 2 transfer dates appeared in class history. In this case it would be on 05/01/09 & 23/01/09 . However, while printing testimonial or leaving certificate, the defaulted leaving date shall always be following the last update date ie 05/01/2009.

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  • 21 Sep 2007

    When can I start to roll over students to new academic year? Do I need to wait until the last day of the year after processing student leaving school?

    SMS user are allowed to perform the student rollover to the new academic year after all the process had been completed for the current academic year such as generate report card for the year end exam results had been produced.

    User does not need to wait for the last day of the year after processing student leaving school as user able to do that process on the next academic year where user may search the student by the academic year and update their records as leaving and transferred. It has to depend on the set up of numbering format generated by the system for the above mentioned document.

    If the system running number is selected for generating leaving certificate/testimonials, then the mentioned documents can be printed anytime, even after rollover. However, if the numbering format selected is by YY/Level Code /Leaving Certificate/Student Reference No. , it is compulsory to print the certificates / testimonials so that the numbering format “YY” is 06 ie the current academic year and Level code refers to current level of the student. SMS user has to bear in mind that ‘YY’ shall always refer to the current academic year and ‘Level Code’ refers to current level of the student.

    To set up the leaving certificate printing option, please go to Student Mgmt ~> Testimonial/Leaving Cert ~> Printing Setup. As long as the mentioned documents have been generated before, SMS user is allowed to reprint the documents anytime, even after rollover. To reprint the student leaving certificate/testimonial, please go to Student Mgmt ~> Testimonial/Leaving Cert ~> Certificate Reprint.

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  • 2 Jul 2007

    What should I do when students found missing while keying disciplinary record?

    This could be due to the student had left school, thus the student record will not found while keying disciplinary record.

    If you still want to key in the discipline record for student who  had left school already, you need to re-activate the student. To do it, please go to Student Mgmt –> Personal Record –> Reinstate.

    If the said student is leaving school but the record is yet to be verified, you need to reject the leaving school record. To do it, please go to  Student Mgmt~>Leaving School-> Verify. Once the leaving school record is cancelled, user is able to create discipline record for the student.


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  • Filed under: Student Discipline

  • 9 Jan 2007

    Do I need to print all leaving certificates and testimonials before moving to new academic year?

    It is not necessarily to print leaving certificates/testimonials for those students who are confirmed leaving or transferred before moving to new academic year. It has to depend on the set up of numbering format generated by the system for the above mentioned document.

    If system running number is selected for generating leaving certificate/testimonials, then the mentioned documents can be printed anytime, even after rollover.
    However, if the numbering format selected is by YY/Level Code /Leaving Certificate/Student Reference No. , it is compulsory to print the certificates / testimonials so that the numbering format “YY” is 09 ie the current academic year and Level code refers to current level of the student. SMS user has to bear in mind that ‘YY’ shall always refer to the current academic year and ‘Level Code’ refers to current level of the student.

    To set up the leaving certificate printing option, please go to Student Mgmt ~> Testimonial/Leaving Cert ~> Printing Setup. As long as the mentioned documents have been generated before, SMS user is allowed to reprint the documents anytime, even after rollover. To reprint the student leaving certificate/testimonial, please go to Student Mgmt ~> Testimonial/Leaving Cert ~> Certificate Reprint.

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