Management Systems

Student Discipline

The Student Discipline module will provide a record keeping module for school to store all disciplinary actions in schools. This module also provides a means to submit all such disciplinary actions to the MOE electronically. The Counseling module will provide record keeping for all counseling session conducted at schools.

The Discipline Reporting module will provides a comprehensive set of record-keeping and reporting capabilities from tracking students’ infractions to gathering data at school level. These records will be uploaded electronically to the Ministry and analysis will be performed on a district-wide and school-wide behavior patterns. The Discipline module at school tracks locations and times of infractions to better identify patterns.


  • Prefect and class monitor can be granted access to help up with demerit record keeping. Approval by discipline teacher is necessary before the record treated as valid.
  • Analysis by merit cases and point range.
  • Merit/Demerit point can be given to a group of student.
  • Record and upload disciplinary records by the disciplinary teacher/prefect.
  • Allows for Counselor to follow-up on students who have obtained a specify point.
  • Allow Discipline Unit Head to create and print out the warning letter to be distributed to parent and student.
  • Users are allowed to maintain their own letter template.