Management Systems

22 Oct 2018

SMS Release Version 4.1 Build 332 – 22 Oct 2018

The enhancement of 332 released as follows:

1. Coco Module :
a) Add in hide feature for involvement and achievement achievement level.
i) General Parameter~> Participant and Marks Involvement Setup~>Create/Edit
ii) Assessment~>Marks Input~>Participant/Involvement~>By Student.
iii) Assessment~>Marks Input~>Achievement~>By Student

b). For PK Coco role edit the regular-sub activity attendance record.
Activity ~> Activity Attendance

c). Enquiry Analysis enhancement, request to remove activity field checking as mandatory field.
Enquiry – Student Activity Attendance – Attendance Analysis

d). Add in credit transfer Activities data for Coco-cert format 5.
Form & Report~> Co-curriculum Certificate~> Printing (Format 5)

e). Add in additional duties as bonus in GERKO report format 4
Form & Report~>Yearly Assessment Report~>By Class

f). To rearrange the display according to PAJSK MOE website key in protocol / ordering.
Enquiry ->Student -Co-curriculum Assessment Activity.

g). Assessment Summary Report Format 5 display additional duties position on EKSTRAKURIKULUM,
Form & Report~>Assessment Summary Report~>By Class (Format 5)

2. E-Report Card Module
a) E-Report Card format 5 enhancement,

i) Open the checkbox for user selection for report card display.
ii) Add in Auto signature for Principal or Academic Assistance

3.Basic Module :

a) Leaving cert and testimonial of SMJK Katholik enhancement, after print the leaving cert/ testimonial , the entered data will be stored and it can be use for next printing.

Student Mgmt- Certificate -> Testimonial / Leaving / Graduation Cert

a) Testimonial Format 5
b) Testimonial Format 6
c)Testimonial Format 10
d) Testimonial Format 11
Typo error, Update ‘Preserverance’ to ‘Perseverance’.

e) Testimonial 12 enhancement,
f) Leaving Cert 4
h)Leaving Cert 7
i) Leaving Cert 13

c) Add in general setting option, to allow class teacher marking student’s attendance for today date only.
School Mgmt ~> General Setting
Choose Yes. The class teacher can records down student’s attendance today date only.
Choose NO. No date control for class teacher to marking student’s attendance.

d) Basic Module : Optimize page loading for student absent analysis.
Enquiry -> Attendance Enquiry -> Student Attendance -> Yearly Absentee Analysis

e) Basic Module – For Support Staff
Update guardian address same with student record & import additional field (Student’s Chinese Name):
School Mgmt -> Data Import from APDM

4. E-report Card Module:

a)Import SAPS marks to EDMS, XLS or CSV format.
Exam Mgmt ~ > Data Import from SAPS

5. Student Discipline Module :
Add in suspend and expel letter template

a)Suspend Letter
i)Define the Suspend Letter Template Setting
Letter Setting~>Letter Template Setting-> Suspend Letter.

ii) Create student’s 1st, 2nd, 3rd Suspend Letter
Letter Setting ~> Amaran Pertama ~> Create

iii) Delete Student’s 1st, 2nd, 3rd Suspend Letter
Letter Setting ~> Amaran Pertama ~> Delete

iv) Print 1st, 2nd, 3rd Warning Suspend Letter
Print ~>Suspend Letter~> Amaran Pertama

b) Expel Letter
i)Define the Suspend Letter Template Setting
Letter Setting~>Letter Template Setting-> Expel Letter

ii) Create student’s 1st,2nd Expel Letter
Letter Setting ~> Expel Letter ~> Amaran Pertama ~> Create

iii) Delete Expel Letter
Letter Setting ~>Expel Letter~> Amaran Pertama ~> Delete

vi) Print 1st, 2nd Expel Letter
Print ~>Expel Letter~> Amaran Pertama

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