Management Systems

9 Aug 2017

SMS Release Version 4.1 Build 324 – 09 August 2017

Enhancement of 324 release as follows:

1. Co-co Module (PAJSK)
a) Add gender in house member listing.
Enquiry ~> House Member

b) Involvement and achievement highest marks put on top.

i) Assessment~>Marks Input~>Participant/Involvement~>By Student
ii) Assessment~>Marks Input~>Achievement~>By Student.

c) To show only the highest description for involvement and achievement records.
Enquiry -> Student Co-curriculum Ass Activity

d) Project for form 6 activity must compulsory field.
Assessment -> Marks Input -> Form 6 Project -> Create

e) Add student status filtering of Activity Involvement Summary Report.
Enquiry -> Student Activity -> By Activity

f) Phor Tay testimonial (Format 11) amendment
Student Mgmt ~> Testimonial/Leaving/Graduation Cert ~> Preview Template & Printing

i) Testimonial Format 11

ii) Leaving Certificate Format 15

iii) Graduation Certificate Format 1

g) Add academic year filter for population by race.
Enquiry ~> School Info ~> Population by Level/Class

h) Add new class stream.
Curriculum Mgmt ~> Class Details ~> Create

i) Extend student and applicant name from 62 to 100 characters.
Student Mgmt ~> Personal Record ~> Create

2. System Admin Module:
a) List out the existing student’s guardian where guardian account creation.
User Mgmt ~> User ~> Batch Creation ~> Student / Guardian

3. Student Discipline:
a)Add option for Student’s Discipline point as a subject marks on E-report card mark integration.
Parameter-> General Setting

4. E-Report Card Module:
a)Add option for Student’s Discipline point as a subject marks on E-report card mark integration.
Exam Mgmt~>Student Discipline mark Update

b) GPK by subject mark adjustment.
Enquiry -> Average Grade (GP) Analysis -> GPK (By Subject)

c)Get the latest student’s m/d points at reloading latest value on class result adjustment.
Exam Mgmt ~> Class Result Adjustment

4. Library Module:
a)Apply Malaysia Ringgit rule for book lost.
Circulation ~> Circulation.

Click here to download SMS Release Version 4.1 Build 324.

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