Management Systems

5 Nov 2008

How to use Textbook on loan function to manage all textbooks on loan stock, books issuance and return process by using barcodes scanner?

Bar-coding feature has been incorporated into Text Book On Loan function for managing all the text books stock, books issuance and return process in a more efficient manner. However, user is still able to perform book issuance and return processing manually without using barcode scanners.

Followings are the illustrated example on how to use Textbook on loan function to manage all textbooks on loan stock, books issuance and return process by using barcodes scanner.

Step 1: To create text book on loan records by School Admin

School Admin is required to record the total quantity of textbooks received / available by textbook title for each academic year and these textbooks are categorized by level. The textbook barcodes are managed by quantity instead of by individual book, meaning all textbooks with same title shall be using same barcode number.

To create textbook records by level, please click on the link Student Mgmt ~> Text Book on Loan ~> Books and Levels ~> Create.

If your school is using manual system instead of bar-coding system, please proceed to Step 3.

Step 2 : To generate and print barcode by School Librarian

Barcodes can be generated in 3 different sizes ie Small, Medium and Large and the generated barcodes can be printed in A4 size format or in columnized format. If user has a barcode printer, please select the columnized format in order to print barcodes in single column only. Barcodes can be generated and printed via Barcode Printing option. There are 2 ways of generating and printing barcodes, namely:
1. Generate and print barcodes by numbering range
2. Generate and print barcodes randomly

2.1. Generate and print barcodes by numbering range
To generate and print out the barcodes according to numbering range, please click on the link Library Mgmt ~> Barcode Printing ~> Generated Format and Order.

2.2. Generate and print barcodes randomly

Some users may want to print out barcodes randomly by inputting the code themselves. To print the barcode according to user input format and order, please click on the link Library Mgmt ~> Barcode Printing ~> User Input Format and Order.

Once the barcodes are generated, please stick on the text books.

Step 3:  To process textbook issuance or return by Form Teacher

Textbook records must be created first before the staff make issuance textbook loan to student. There are 2 options for issuance & return textbook on loan option: –
2.1 Textbook Issuance & Return by Student
2.2 Textbook Issuance & Return by barcode

2.1 Textbook Issuance & Return by Student

To manage the issuance of the textbooks, please click on the link Student Mgmt ~> Text Book on Loan ~> Issuance By Student.

2.2 Textbook Issuance & Return by barcode

If the schools are using barcode scanner for managing all textbooks on loan, please use your mouse and point the cursor to the correct field and scan the barcode. To manage the issuance of the textbooks, please click on the link Student Mgmt ~> Text Book on Loan ~> Issuance By Barcode.

To return a borrowed textbook item at the end of the academic year, please click on the link Student Mgmt ~ > Textbook on Loan ~ > Return by Barcode.

Step 4: To inquiry the book list and status

You can view book list and status by click on the link Enquiry ~> Text Book On Loan ~> Booklist and Status.

Step 5: To inquiry Book on loan by Class and status

You can view book list and status listed by class, please click on the link Enquiry ~> Text Book On Loan ~> Booklist and Status.

To provide option to print Surat Akuan Pinjaman Murid
You can able to print out letter authority to a borrower with total of number books loan by student. Please click on the link Enquiry ~> Text Book On Loan ~> Report ~ > Borrower Account letter.

To provide option to print Surat Akuan Pinjaman Kelas
System allows the user to print out the surat akuan pinjaman kelas which is using for form teacher to reported the total number of different kind of textbooks on loan with their own class and date whereby the student accepted the textbooks. Form Teacher were had option to print out the reports and ask student to signature after student confirmed done all the return process.  Please click on the link Enquiry ~> Text Book On Loan ~> Report ~ > Borrower Account Listing by Class.

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