Management Systems

4 Nov 2008

How to use Head Count and Post Mortem function as monitoring tool in achieving targets as set for students in current academic year?

Headcount is prepared to set target for students individually as well as a group in a class and form/level to achieve in academic performance. After each exam, it is the duty of subject teachers to analyse exam results and study if the performance has achieved the targets as set. Normally, for Mid-Year exam, targets were set in OTI1 while for Final exam, it is OTI2. ETR is the target for the Public exam.

If targets are not achieved, teachers must carry out post-mortem and take action to assist weak students to achieve the targets in the next exam. The whole exercise is for the school to achieve targets set for the Public Exam.

Subject teachers have to set target for their students to achieve, based on the examination results. For a start, the Take-off Values (TOV) are taken for setting the Expected Target Result (ETR) to achieve. Normally, final year exam results of the previous academic year will be used as TOV for Form 2, 3 and 5 whereas mid-year exam results of current academic year will be used as TOV for Form 1 and 4. This is done for all subjects, normally only subjects offered in the Public Exam.

ETR can be set as a standard percentage (eg 5% or 3 %) or standard marks (5 marks) or set by individual student by subject teacher for the final computation of headcount.  The subject analysis should be carried out on ETR data to decide on the number of A, B, C, D and E, from which percentage of each grade is determined. If the percentage of Passes is lower than the Public exam best 3 year results, then the ETR data is not valid. Hence, adjustment needs to be carried out. Teachers have to calculate the number of students needed to pass in the ETR so that the percentage computed is higher than the Public exam results. After obtaining the figure, they have to adjust the number of students from fail grade to pass to match with the number computed for passing.

Please follow the steps guided below on how to use Head Count and Post Mortem function as monitoring tool in achieving targets as set for students in current academic year. Please take note that only SMS user with role assigned as “E-Report card (Exam Committee) is able to access the Headcount function.

Step 1  – To set up Head Count Parameter

Before start using head count and post mortem function, user is required to set up the basic instruction to process transaction data in order to allow the function to work properly and correctly. This setting is done for every academic year and is editable to be in line with school operation. To do it, please click on the link Head Count and Post Mortem ~>General Setting.

Step 2 – To import TOV and ETR

This process will import TOV value as well as compute ETR value for the selected levels. User is able to select multiple levels for processing at the same time. To do it, please click on the link Head Count and Post Mortem ~>Import TOV and ETR.

Step 3 – To adjust computed ETR

Subject teacher is allowed to adjust the computed ETR by class. To do it, please click on the link Head Count and Post Mortem -> ETR Adjustment.

Step 4 – To process OTI

This process will evenly distribute the total targeted marks to achieve (ETR – TOV) in order to compute ETR for each selected school exam.  Eg, Student=A, Subject=BM, TOV=69marks, ETR=75 marks, Total Targeted marks to achieve = 6 marks, Mid yr Exam(OTI1)  & Final Yr Exam (OTI2) are chosen for analysis. As such, the ETR for OTI1 = 72 marks and OTI2 = 75 marks. To do it, please click on the link Head Count and Post  Mortem ~> OTI Processing.

Step 5 – Print Reports

A)   HC1 – Subject Target Listing Report (Target Mata Pelajaran Mengikut Panitia)
To print Student Subject Target Listing Report, go to Head Count and Post Mortem -> Report -> Subject -> Target Listing Report.

B)    HC2 – Student Subject Target Listing Report (Target Mata Pelajaran Mengikut Panitia Dan Setiap Murid)
To print Student Subject Target Listing Report, please click on the link Head Count and Post Mortem ~> Report ~> Student Subject Target Listing Report.

C)   HC3 – Exam Achievement and Project Listing (Pencapaian Ujian and Pengunjuran)
To compare the actual exam result achievement with the projected / targeted result for a particular subject, go to Head Count and Post Mortem -> Report -> Exam Achievement and Projection Listing.

D)   HC4 – Student Overall Subject Target Listing Report (Sasaran Murid Mengikut Mata Pelajaran)
To print Student Overall Subject Target Listing Report, please click on the link Head Count and Post Mortem ~> Report ~> Student Subject Target Listing Report.

E)  HC5 – Average Grade Determination Listing (Penentuan Gred Purata Sekolah)
To print Average Grade for all subjects, go to Head Count and Post Mortem -> Report -> Average Grade Determination Listing.

F)   HC6 – Excellent Student Target Listing (Target Murid Cermelang)
User is able to inquire the targeted list of students that will obtain targeted “A”s as specified, for a particular level. To generate the student listing by targeted number of “A”s, go to Head Count and Post Mortem -> Report -> Excellent Student Target Listing.

G)   PM1 – Post Mortem Analysis By Subject (Analisa Post-Mortem / Klinikal Pelajaran)
To generate the student post mortem analysis report by subject, go to Head Count and Post Mortem -> Report -> Post Mortem Analysis by Subject.

H)  PM2 – Comparative Post Mortem Result Analysis (Analisa Perbandingan dan Post Mortem Keputusan)
To generate the comparative result analysis, go to Head Count and Post Mortem -> Report -> Comparative Post Mortem Result Analysis.

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