Management Systems

11 May 2007

When can I start to perform assessment grading?

Only Co-Curriculum Assessment (PK) role can perform assessment grading anytime when,

1. The activity teacher in charge has to complete entering all Co – cu marks for the participation / involvement, Achievements, commitment & contribution service, bonus marks for the students.

2. Thereafter, the activity teacher in charge submit ALL activities. Any activity marks pending submission, system will stop school user from processing assessment grading. To do this, please refer to our online documentation:
Assessment ~ > Mark Input ~ > Mark Input Confirmation ~ > Submission

3. Finally, the Co-Curriculum Assessment (PK)  can proceed  Assessment Grading. To do this, please refer to our online documentation:
Assessment ~ > Assessment Grading

4. Once it is assessed successfully, The activity teacher can verify the marks & grade including GPA & CGPA computed by system based on marks input for the students. There are several enquiries options provided that can be exported into excel for school users to perform data verification easily. To do this, please refer to our online documentation:
– Student Grade Analysis
– Top Students by Activity

5. If the activity teacher satisfied with the Co-cu results for the students, please proceed to print Yearly Assessment Report for the students, Assessment Summary Report and Co-cu Certificate whenever required.

6. In the event whereby the Co-cu results generated are not satisfied especially due to incorrect marks input for a particular activity, the Co-Curriculum Assessment (PK) role allow to change the marks and re-run the assessment grading.

However, before doing so, school user is required to Reset Marks Submission for that particular activity and thereafter followed Step 1 to step 5 as described above. Please take note that the reset marks submission will not delete the marks that have been inputted previously, it will only allow school user to continuously input / amend the marks.

7. Instead of re-run the assessment grading as described in Step 6, there is an option for school user to adjust CPA, CGPA and grade manually. To do this, please refer to our online documentation Assessment~>Marks / Grade Adjustment.

It is important to take note that Co-Curriculum Assessment (PK) role SHOULD NOT re-run the assessment grading after Marks / Grade Adjustment as re-run the assessment grading will overwrite the adjusted marks / grade.

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