Management Systems

16 Mar 2023

SMS Release Version 4.1 Build 348– 16 March 2023


1. Basic Module:

a) Student Mgmt-> Certificate -> Testimonial / Leaving Cert / Graduation Cert -> Preview Template & Certificate
Format 2

Add new performance remark for graduation cert format 2,

b) Basic Module: Room/Vehicle booking enhancement.
i)School Mgmt ~> General Setting

Build in setting, for admin set number of days for room/vehicle booking.
Friday(11/11/22)..if setting set to 7 days… the user only can choose Friday (18/11/22)- onward for booking

ii)School Mgmt ~> Facilities Management ~> Block/Room Description ~> Create/Edit

-Increase ‘Seating Capacity’ to 5 digits ‘99999’.
-The Block Description creation lock, not allow to overwrite existing record.

c) Added car plate number to student profile.
i) to use car plate number, go to (School Mgmt-> General setting) and find

‘On Information To Be Shown On Student Profile’
7. International School Specific (Tick to enable)

ii) added in new field (Car Plate Number) on Student Profile->Create/Edit,

iii) added in new field (Car Plate Number)
Enquiry-> Data export-> Export SMS Profile to Text Format

d)Student Mgmt->Certificate->Testimonial/Leaving/Graduation Cert->Preview Template & Printing

i) Testimonial format 6 enhancement.
-Remove the signature wording

to add in drop down for signature by:
-Principal (default)
-Senior Assistant of Administration
-Senior Assistant of Student Affairs.

ii) Testimonial format 11
Change Graduation Class & Year format
Class / YYYY to Class(YYYY)

iii) Leaving cert Format 5.
Add in selection option for student’s conduct selection
By point (Default) or By grade)

iv) Leaving Cert Format 21
Added in student’s additional position on leaving cert.

v) Add new signature role to leaving cert format 4 and testimonial format 6.

e) School Mgmt-> School Profile -> Edit
Add in selection for
Senior Assistant of Administration to show the name on Leaving Cert Format 4 and Testimonial Format 6
Senior Assistant of Co-Curriculum to display the name on Co-Curriculum cert format 13, 14 & 15.
Senior Assistant of Student Affairs to show the name on Leaving Cert Format 4, Testimonial Format 6,Co-Curriculum cert format 13, 14 & 15.

f) Add icno as barcode printing in student and staff ID card (for Portrait format only),
i) ID Card ~> Student ID Card
ii) ID Card ~> Staff ID Card

g) Add guardian salary to data export feature.
Enquiry-> Data Export-> Export SMS profile to Text Format

h) Add in control not allow Student transferred in ASP for re-instate in old school.
Student Mgmt ~> Personal Record ~> Reinstate -> By Class.

2. Coco Module:

a) Form & Report~> Co-curriculum Certificate~> Printing
New Coco Cert format 16

b) Add leaving students filter in some of features, please refer ticket

Show student name list with leaving indicator
i) Assessment ->
Participate / Involvement Authentication -> By Group -> Create

ii) Participate/Involvement-> By Group->
-By Batch

-By Group-> Create

iv)Assessment-> Marks Input-> Commitment & Contribution Service
-By Class
-By Activity

v)Assessment->EKSTRAKURIKULUM->Social Service & Nilam Program & TIMSS PISA ->
-By Class
-By Activity

vi)Assessment->Assessment -> Credit Transfer->
-Involvment / Invovement Marks Input -> Create
-Achievement -> Create

Skip creation process for leaving school student.

vii)Assessment->EKSTRAKURIKULUM-> Special Awards->
-By Batch

viii)Participate/Involvement-> By Group->
-By Batch

c) Segak Printing
Add in leaving student indicator
i)Form & report-> SEGAK Printing

d) Exam coco marks transfer enhancement, add in option to change GPA marks with decimal point to Integer.

Assessment~>Exam Co-Curriculum Mark Update.

e) New report layout of student assessment activity,
Enquiry-> Student Co-curriculum Ass Activity (Format 3)
This report is to show the student’s highest marks on Club, Sport & Games, Uniform Group, Extra Marks, GPA, CGPA, 10% of CGPA and the GPA grade.

f) Rollover by Activity Page: Auto change the previous year academic start and end date, if change the academic year.
Activity Record-> Student-> Activity Rollover-> By Activity

To change the previous year academic start and end date, if change the academic year.

3. E-Report Card Module:

a) Added in ‘Semester/Term ‘ to allow user to choose on copy Exam schedule by year page.
Parameter Setup->Exam Schedule & Result Display Setting->Copy Exam Schedule->
-By Year

4. Library Module:

a) Add new NILAM report,Book loan By language category.
b) Report->Print Report-> Book Loan By Language Category

To add in optional
i)(by default with BINTANG) student name list
ii) Show all students (QA done)

Report -> Print Report -> Books Loan By Language Category.


5. Student Fees Module:
a) Handle 100% discount for invoice fees.
Invoice Mgmt-> Invoicing-> Create

6. Student Enrolment Module:

a)Applicant profile icno checking enhancement
Application Record-> Create / Edit

If key in the applicant IC number, the system will do checking for duplicate IC number. If the IC number is exits, it will prompt the message to show register IC belong to ‘student name’ active on which academic year.

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