If I want to create timetable manually, what do I need to do?
When the timetable for new academic year is much different from previous year, SMS user is advised to select SMS Auto Scheduling Module to generate timetable for new academic year. However, if the School does not implemented SMS Auto Scheduling Module, SMS user needs to prepare the required timetable outside SMS system and thereafter manually input the timetable by class into SMS system.
There are 8 steps the SMS user needs to do for creating timetable by class for new academic year. If there is changes on timetable general setting, cycle day, timetable template, recess / assembly group, user has to perform all steps as illustrated below. On the other hand, if there is no changes on timetable general getting, cycle day, timetable template, recess / assembly group, SMS user needs to perform Step 4, 6 and 8 only.
Step1 – Timetable General Setting
This is to set up the processing options for timetable as required by the School. Eg, to define the timetable start time and end time; recess and assembly; printing and displaying the timetable and so on. To set up the timetable requirement, please go to Timetable Mgmt ~> General Setting.
Step 2 – Define Cycle Day
This is to define the number of days a timetable template will have. Users will use this template to rotate the subjects offered in the school, instead of repeating the timetable week by week. For example, if the School adopts 3-day cycle which means that a timetable will have a 3-day template. After the third day, the timetable will go back to day cycle 1. To create a new cycle day and its name, please go to Timetable Mgmt ~> Parameter Setup ~> Cycle Day ~> Create and Timetable Mgmt ~> Parameter Setup ~> Cycle Day Setup.
Step 3 – Link Level to Cycle Day
This is to define the relationship between the Cycle Day to the levels that have been offered by the school. To do this, please go to Timetable Mgmt ~> Parameter Setup ~> Link Level to Cycle Day.
Step 4 – Semester Start Day Set Up
This is to define the cycle day and the first day of each semester or term. Eg, The cycle day for Semester 1 is 5 days and 2 cycle day is the first day of the semester. To set the semester start day, please go to Timetable Mgmt ~> Parameter Setup ~> Semester Start Day.
Step 5 – Timetable Block Template Set Up
Block template is where SMS user creates the “frame” of a timetable by inputting the day cycle, time and number of periods for time slots creation. This created template will then be used for inputting the subject and teacher for each allocated slot. To define a timetable template, please go to Timetable Mgmt ~> Parameter Setup ~> Block Template ~> Create.
Step 6 – Link Level to Block Template
Upon creation of the block template, SMS users need to link the level / class to the block template. To define block template and level relationship, please go to Timetable Mgmt ~> Parameter Setup ~> Link Level to Block Template.
Step 7 – Create Assembly / Recess Group
This is to define the Recess / Assembly Group for staff and student eg for morning and after session. To define assembly group, please go to Timetable Mgmt ~> Parameter Setup ~> Slot Type ~> Assembly Group ~> Create. To define the recess group, please go to Timetable Mgmt ~> Parameter Setup ~> Slot Type ~> Recess Group ~> Create.
Step 8 – Create Timetable by Class
When the setting for timetable is completed, SMS user can proceed with the creation of timetable for new academic year. To create the timetable by class, please go to Timetable Mgmt ~> Timetable By Class ~> Create.