Management Systems

17 Jul 2019

SMS Release Version 4.1 Build 336 – 17 July 2019


1. Basic Module

a) Student attendance recording date selection enhancement.
Add in control option for class teacher marking the today date or any date attendance only.
Student Mgmt ~> Attendance Recording ~> Daily Attendance.

c) Add alert message for student subject enrolment by class.
Add in option to allert user when submiting the enrollment by class.
Timetable Mgmt ~> Student-Subject Enrollment ~> By Class

d) Allow user to change the Leaving cert format 7 title enhancement.
Student Mgmt -> Testimonial Leaving Cert-> Preview Template & Printing. (Leaving Certificate Format 7)

2. E-Report Card Module :
a) Form 6 partial pass group to fail enhancement.
Enquiry -> General Result Enquiry

b) Add export excel for Result Analysis Statistic.
Enquiry ~> Result Analysis – Statistic ~> By Class

c) Add new format (Format 1)for GPK in year range.
Enquiry -> Average Grade (GP) Analysis-> GPK

d) Add new format 4 for GPMP in year range.
Enquiry -> Average Grade (GP) Analysis-> GPMP

e) Fix the SAPS CSV format for new subject import failure issue.
Exam Mgmt -> Data Import To SAPS

f) i) Result analysis by subject break by class.
ii) Added in GPMP, and Export to CSV format.
Enquiry-> Result Analysis -Statistic ->By Subject

g)Add in multiple exams for GPMP analysis format 4.
Enquiry ~> Average Grade (GP) Analysis ~ > GPMP. (Format 4)

h) Add in new rule for Mark and Rank if Absent.
Input AB as mark. Subject is NOT counted when computing average mark. Affected student rank in normal position.

Parameter Setup ~> General Setting

3. Student Discipline Module :
a) Enhancement of expel and suspend letter for student discipline.

i) Letter Setting -> Letter Template Setting -> Suspend Letter
Add in the ‘incident’, ‘start’ and ‘end date’ for the suspend letter template

ii) Letter Setting -> Letter Template Setting -> Expell letter
Add in the the ‘incident’ and end date.

b) Suspend and expel letter content in justify
i) Print ~>Suspend Letter~> Amaran Pertama / Kedua / Ketiga
ii) Print ~>Expel Letter~> Amaran Pertama / Kedua

c) Add in incident, follow up and action taken in student discipline detail listing.
Enquiry ~> Student Discipline Listing ~>Detail Listing

d) Tune up page loading speed of student discipline summary listing.
Enquiry ~> Student Discipline Listing ~> Summary Listing

4. Coco Module:
a) Add new feature. To list out all activities count by the classes.
Enquiry-> Activities -> Student Activities -> Analysis

4. Student Fees Module :

a) Allowed user create multiple invoices by student
i) If choose rule 1 (General Setting), you allow create the same invoice with the different date.
ii) If choose rule 2 (General Setting), you only allow to create one time invoice only. If the existing invoice exits, the student’s name list will show on Existing Invoice Status.
General Parameter -> General Setting
Invoice Mgmt ~> Invoicing ~> Create

5. ASP Module:
a) Transfer student exam performance remark to parent portal (
Adhoc Update->Student Academic Report

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