Management Systems

26 Mar 2019

How to use Student’s attendance as to be as subject mark on the report card?

On the Basic Module

Step 1: Call the EDMS support to add in the ‘new subject’ for attendance count to be a subject mark.

Step 2:
Offer the subject for example ‘Attendance‘.
Click on (Curirculum Mgmt -> Subjects Offered -> Create & Update)

Step 3:
Create the timetable for the subject (Timetable Mgmt -> Timetable By Class)
i) Create staff timetable slot. (Timetable Mgmt->Staff Timetable Slot-> Staff-Subject Setup) and
ii) Assign the subject and class to staff for ‘Attendance’. (Staff Timetable Slot -> Create)

Step 4:
Enroll the subject (Timetable Mgmt-> Enrolment->By Class)

Step 5:
Select the Subject to E-report card Student Attendance Marks Integration (School Mgmt -> General Setting)

On E-report card.

Step 1: Setup the subject (Attendance) with the examination marks parameter
(Parameter Setup-> Subject Exam Setting Normal Exam)

Step 2: Input all the subject marks except ‘Attendance’ subject.
Exam Mgmt ~> Input Marks ~> By Subject & Class

Step 3: Produce the Class/Level Ranking.

Step 4. To adjust the attendance count go to (Exam Mgmt -> Class Result Adjustment).
i) Tick the (Attendance) Checkbox and Submit.
ii) The students name with other subject marks will get the attendance count. You may input the attendance count and click submit to save the record.

Step 5. To import the attendance count as marks, go to (Exam Mgmt-> Marks Intergration -> Student Attendance).
Choose the examination name, level, class and tick overwrite status to Yes.
The name list of class and the attendance marks will show, tick to import the attendance marks as subject marks and click submit to save record

Step 6. Produce Class/Level Ranking.

After done  produce class ranking, you can proceed view or print the report card.

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