iSchool Blog Documentation

Sunday, February 23, 2025   

Adding MyBlogLog Widget

What is MyBlogLog?


wp-mybloglog01.jpgYou probably have seen the MyBlogLog widget on a few WordPress blogs. It has pictures of the latest visitors of the blog shown on the sidebar.

What is MyBlogLog? Taken from the MyBlogLog About page: “MyBlogLog enables you to take advantage of your existing presence on the Web and ties it into communities of like-minded readers and authors to add context to the conversations in which you take part.”

How Do I Add the MyBlogLog widget to your blog?

1. Join MyBlogLog at, you can use your existing Yahoo ID to login. If you do not have Yahoo account, click here to sign up.

2. Click Appearance, Widgets and drag the MyBlogLog widget from the Available Widget area into the sidebar.

mybloglog widget
3.At MyBlogLog site,  click the “Widgets” link.


4. Customize your widget and copy the code.


5. Copy the code and now go back to your blog and paste the code into the MyBlogLog widget and click Save Changes.

If everything is correct you will start seeing your recent MyBlogLog member visitors showing up in your sidebar.

