iSchool Blog Documentation

Sunday, December 22, 2024   

Update Your First Post, Comment, and About Page

You may have noticed, upon visiting the homepage of your new blog, that it’s not empty. During the account creation process, WordPress automatically added your first post, first comment, and about page for you. Because each of these entries contains fairly standard filler test that will make no sense to your blog visitors, it’s a good idea to update or delete them.

Edit (or Delete) Your First Blog Post

Login to your iSchool Blog account and click on the Posts button from the menu. A list of your blog entries should appear and your should see a post titled Hello World!. Directly to the bottom of that post, you should see three links: Edit, Quick Edit, Thrash and View.

If you don’t even want to bother editing the post, simply click on the Thrash link and the post, along with its accompanying comment, will be deleted. On the other hand, you can create an introductory post using this default post as your template.

Click on the Edit link below the post. When the editing page loads, the default title and content will appear. Simply highlight what you’d like to change and type over it. When you’ve finished making your desired changes to the post, click on the Update button.

Delete Your First Comment

Unless you deleted the first post, you will have a generic comment to deal with. To remove this comment, click on the Comments button from the admin menu, when the page loads up, you’ll see the default comment, and all you’ll need to do is click on the Thrash link below to delete.

Edit (or Delete) your About Page

The about page is what lets your blog visitors know more about you and the topic of your blog. You should probably keep this page, however, if you don’t have anything to say right now, then deleting it until you’re ready to create one may be your best option.

From the WordPress admin panel, click on the Pages button and then click on the Edit button. Much like editing the first post, you should see a blog entry titles About Me with four links directly to the bottom of it. To delete the page, simply click on the Thrash link, otherwise, click on the Edit link.

After you update the page with the information you want to display to your blog visitors, make sure to click on the Update button directly below the post content text area to save your changes.

By this time, your blog should really begin to look like your blog, but there are still a couple more things to consider; themes and plugins.

Proceed to change your theme
