Google Apps For Education Support site

13 Nov 2008

Say hello to Gmail voice and video chat

Google had today launched voice and video chat, right inside Gmail. It is an easy-to-use, seamless experience, with high-quality audio and video. Google had built this product using Internet standards, such as XMPP, RTP, and the newly-standardized H.264/SVC video codec.

Check it out in the product video below, and then head on over to to try it for yourself.

Once you install the plugin, to start a video chat, just click on the “Video & more” menu at the bottom of your Gmail chat window, and choose “Start video chat.” You’ll have a few seconds to make sure you look presentable while it’s ringing, and then you’ll see and hear your friend live, right from within Gmail. You can click the “pop-out” iconto make the video larger, or click the fullscreen iconin the upper left-hand corner for a fully immersive experience.See this all in action in the video below:

YouTube Preview Image

If your Gmail is not set up for your Webcam or Mic device, you’ll need to go to “Settings” -> “Chat” to configure your settings:

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