
Monday, January 20, 2025   
7 Jul 2008

iSchool ASP Portal – More Features Added

We’re pleased to announce that there are more features added to iSchool ASP Portal for both Parent and School Admin access to make the site more complete. The added features are :

1. The site is with multi-lingual capable now. Parent can select the preferred language to display. The available languages for selection are Bahasa Malaysia, English and Chinese.

2. Parents are able to read 5 latest School News online from the site. Besides, some local news headlines also available on line and that includes New Straits Times, The Star, Utusan, Berita Harian and Sin Chew Daily.

3. RSS feed feature is incorporated for parents to subscribe their own feeds into the portal. Besides, parents are able to view videos or photos uploaded to Youtube and Flickr by School Admin.

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