Archive for the ‘Releases’ Category
School’s Location Map Tagged On Google Maps
We’d built in iSchool Portal with school’s location maps tagged on Google Maps and embedded in SMJK Web Portal. This maps shows the locations for all SMJK schools in Malaysia as shown below. School’s name, address and phone number will be displayed respectively while clicking on the blue anchor mark on the map.
For the respective SMJK school site, we’d also embedded the School location tagged on Google Maps in About Us –> Location page as shown below.
iSchool Portal – Recent Visitor Info
We have enhanced iSchool Portal with Recent Visitor Info, which incorporated with GlobeTrackr, ClustrMaps and Sitemeter web services.
The info shows recent visitors’ countries, top visiting countries, geographical locations of all visitors on a thumbnail map as well as visitors hit counters.
iSchool Portal – User Account Creation
We’d built in control to allow only valid user account ID entered that meet the following conditions:
1. User Account ID assigned must be in small letters ie a-z
2. Number assigned for User Account ID must be within 0-9
3. Allow to input period ie . only
Please refer to our online Documentation User Account Creation for details.
iSchool Portal – Blogs Listing Page
We’d enhanced iSchool Portal blogs listing page with collapsible and expandable section for teachers’ blogs, students’ blogs and co-curriculum’s blogs by school heading with the screen as shown below:
By default, the blogs listing is in collapsible manner whereby it shows the schools with created blogs sites categorized under teachers’, students’ or co-curriculum’s blogs only. School user is required to click on expandable button in order to list out the available blog sites for that particular category of blogs.