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22 Mar 2010

How to publish schools news / announcement in ASP Portal?

There are 3 methods to display school news in ASP Portal.

Method 1: Post School News/ Announcements using ASP Portal Post Management Module, which you can directly key your school news in ASP Portal, please refer to How to Post School News/ Announcements using ASP Portal Post Management Module? for more details.

Method 2: Get the news feed from iSchool SMS, where you copy the RSS feed from your SMS new/announcement then paste it in ASP Portal RSS Feed Setting.
Please be reminded that this option is only available for iSchool SMS user and your SMS server must be on in order to make sure ASP Portal site can get the news feeds from SMS. Please refer to RSS News Setup for more details.

Method 3: Get RSS feed from your own school website. Copy the RSS Feed and paste it in ASP Portal RSS Feed Setting. Please refer to RSS News Setup for more details.

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