Sunday, February 23, 2025   
11 Jan 2010

How to create parent account uploaded from iSchool SMS – Guardian Profile

For iSchool SMS users, as the guardian data is already maintained in the SMS system, users can easily export the data from iSchool SMS and import into ASP Portal for creating parent accounts. 

However, in order to ensure that parents are accessible to thier children information via iSchool ASP Portal upon receiving account notification letter, user has to ensure that the following tasks are performed. Skipping of any tasks as mentioned below may be resulted no children information available for viewing.

Step 1: Create Guardian Profile

Create guardian profile in iSchool SMS via Basic Module ~> Student Mgmt ~> Guardian Info ~> Guardian Profile ~> Create. Please take note that Guardian’s IC No. is unique key for parent account creation in ASP Portal.

Step 2: Create Guardian-Student Relationship Linking

User will need to link guardian relationship with their children via Basic Module ~> Guardian Info ~> Link Student and Guardian ~> Create. Please make sure that the relationship linking is maintained correctly so that parents can only accessible to their own children information.

Step 3: Upload Guardian-Student Relationship Linking to ASP Server

Please initiate adhoc upload of guardian-student relationship linking via SMS ASP Portal Module –> ASP Portal –> Ad hoc Update –> Student and Guardian Relationship.

Step 4: Export Guardian Profile from iSchool SMS

Export Guardian Profile into CSV format via SMS Basic Module ~> Enquiry ~> Data Export ~> Export SMS Profile to CSV Format, select By Guardian option and desired level and class. For more information, please click on the link Bulk User Account Upload –> Data Extraction.

Step 5: Upload exported guardian profile to ASP Portal

Upload the exported guardian profile to ASP Portal via iSchool ASP Portal ~> Data Upload. Once the guardian profiles are uploaded successfully in ASP Portal, parent accounts shall create automatically also.

Step 6: Print Notification letter

To verify created parent account, please go  at ASP Portal ~> iSchool Google App ~> Account Notification Printing. User is allowed to print account notification letter by class for distribution.

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