iSchool Moodle Training

Friday, February 28, 2025   


HTML editor settings

Location: Administration > Appearance > HTML Editor
A site administrator can customize the HTML editor and change the background colour, fonts and font sizes, and hide selected buttons. The HTML editor is a word-processor interface for formatting text and inserting images, tables, links and smilies, which teachers generally find useful.


A font must be available for the user’s browser and installed on each user’s machine in order to work. For example, a font containing hieroglyphs could be added to the HTML editor and all members of the course would need to download that font on their individual computers to see and use it.

Font lists

Add the font name in both columns. For example in the first blank row, add “Garmond” to the first column and “garmond’ to the second column. The HTML editor will now offer Garmond as a font choice.


You may add, edit, or delete the combination of symbols that are used to produce emoticons in Moodle 1.9. To delete an emoticon, simply remove the symbol combination from the left-hand side and the filename from the right. You may also edit the symbol combination on the left-hand side, and Moodle will now use that symbol combination.

To add a new emoticon, you must upload your image (usually .gif) into moodle/pix/s, or if you are using a theme that features custom images, you will need to upload the image into moodle/theme/CUSTOMTHEME/pix/s. Once you have uploaded your image, you can input a new symbol combination on the left and the filename (do not include .gif) on the right. For example, if you upload an image of a game controller named game.gif, you could enter [o] on the left side and game on the right. Whenever you type [o] in your Moodle install, you will see the game controller image.

Spell checker

If you want the HTML editor to have a spell-check button, you need to install aspell 0.50 or later on your server, and enter the correct path to access the aspell binary in Administration > Server > System paths.
